Private payment and private health insurances
Phone: 030 / 82 00 783

Nutritive medicine

The right nutrition plays an important role in a number of skin diseases. Furthermore adequate nutrition is important in order to foster good health, to maintain or if necessary to reduce weight. We offer you comprehensive nutritional counselling.

Atopic eczema

Atopic eczema (syn.: neurodermatitis) is a disease which mostly affects children. Foodstuff allergies are a possible provocative factor. The individual counselling of children and above all the parents is part of our comprehensive therapeutical concept.


Urticaria (syn.: nettle rash) is provoked in some of the patients by foodstuff. A dietary programme adjusted to the patient is part of our holistic therapeutical concept.

Beauty from within

The skin is a reflection of our interior. How we nourish ourselves has a considerable influence on our well-being and it also shows on the skin. During an individual conversation with us you can learn how you can influence the appearance of your skin through nutrition.

Reduction of weight

Nowadays many people are overweight, caused by unhealthy eating habits and lack of movement. We offer you individual nutritional counselling aimed at reducing your weight.